Have a listen.

I woke up this morning to James sitting at the side of the bed singing a rap song. Or is it rapping a rap song? Or is it butchering a rap song? Awkward.

I don’t suggest getting James to rap at your next birthday party…it’s not good entertainment. But you know what is good entertainment? The Lytics. I saw them at a show last week and thought they were such breath of fresh air for our local music scene in Winnipeg. I had so much fun watching them do their thing, and I must say that I’ve never actually been to a Hip Hop show before. I think I may have a new favorite thing :)Have a listen. I personally like ‘Checkin’ On My Pumas’ and ‘Stay Humble’ which you can find on their MySpace page. Enjoy.

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One response to “Have a listen.

  1. jdhiebert

    oh man. james rapping. i’m trying to imagine that. really hard.

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